I got my Driving Test on 5th December, so its High time, I start taking my lessons. Bcos graduating as an Engineer in Kuwait is easier than procuring a Driving License. But than I feel why do I need driving lessons, I have already been driving for more than 8 years and have been in the police station for underage driving and u tell me I need driving lessons. U gotta be kidding me.
Well But no risk, Bcos If I fail the test I get to wait another couple of months to get another test and I m soo desperate to drive, I just wanna get my driving license and start driving. So be good boy and take some driving lessons. Well in this virtual world I wish there was some Online Simulation software to take your driving lessons sitting right here with Laptop. But Yes I found a good Parking lessons site, emailed by a friend. SO if u want to know how to park successfully in different situations sitting right there on your computer.
Than go ahead: Park my Peugeot
Its a funny way to learn