Monday, November 15, 2010

Being Grateful - Being Thankful

We all are so used to complaining.. We are always ready to complain about the smallest issue we have. And we do not see anything wrong with that..

I used to be like that as well maybe I still have this in me to some level. But whenever I used to complain to one of my very good friends. I used to get the response "Awwab, you are always complaining!" You need to look at the positives, at the good things etc. etc. I mean over a period of time, i learnt from my friend how to be Thankful and Grateful and stop complaining. I was listening to an audio yesterday in which the speaker said, If you have the time to complain then you are not Grateful enough to all the good things that God has provided you. Even if you have some small problems, compared to all the good things you have, then you need to be patient on them and keep yourself busy with Thanking God and being Grateful for the good things you have.

I went into the flashback mode thinking of my good friend. And I myself feel I am different now compared to what I was 2-3 years back. So next time you see me complaining then remind me: "Awwab! You are always Complaining!" It was only yesterday I realized the Positive change my friend had brought in me... Thank u soo much!!! But we are all humans and I am sure I might still be complaining about some things some times.. Have to practice and get over that Inshaa allaah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommended by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.