Monday, November 05, 2012

After the Break-- The thoughts

It has been a long while since I posted on my blog. There is a reason for that, maybe not one reason but a lot of reasons. Procrastination, Being Busy or Pretending to Be, Writer's Block when you try to think all the aspects of what you will write leading to you stopping from writing, Kids, Family Life etc. etc. 

But now I want to kill the Excusitis and go back to Blogging Again! I remember those good old days when My Blog was such a good friend of mine. I used to pour my Thoughts, pour my Heart and get feedback from Friends, how bad a writer I was, How I managed to waste their time. And Yes, if the same friends are still reading it, i am going to get the Ranting... Awwab you cant talk negative, you are sending negative signals to your mind, even if you are trying to be Funny... 

Well after being a fan of reading on Positivity and trying to apply it, I think you need regular reading or Motivation to keep yourself positive and to get it into your Habits and you need to keep a watch on how you are getting affected by your surroundings... 

Yes I would not try to be doing regular posts, speak my mind out... But seems will have to be concise since the Blog is taking out of the Family time... Before my Wife starts complaining, that I spend too much of time on the blog, need to have a proper schedule to do it. Ok Can hear Hajar crying, Looks like will have to quit now... for today....

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