Saturday, November 05, 2011

Mumbai Trip - Blog Again

"Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable."
Francis Bacon, Sr.

I copied the above quote from the Newsletter I keep receiving from After being a blogger for long (and then disappearing from Blogging) and also trying to use OneNote on my Computer and a Task/To Do List on my Mobile to capture ideas/thoughts of today/things to do etc. The above Quote reminded me again, how it all began! It was when I joined Invensys, the good colleagues and friends I made who had an influence on me and got me to Blogging. I remember my good friend Vinil telling me, How over the years I will see my thoughts change and develop when I will read back my old blog posts. I can see that today after around 6 years of On/Off Blogging.

So should I start blogging again on a more regular basis.
Let me start with current events. I came to Mumbai over a week ago, What an amazing trip it is this time. Alhamdulillaah (All praises are for Allaah) We have been blessed with a Baby Boy. Its my second experience at enjoying Fatherhood. And Trust me, the Pleasure was not even a little lesser than the first time.. I think becoming Father is the same pleasure every time... May Allaah bless all those who haven't tasted this pleasure with it.

I came to Mumbai, this trip did a lot of different stuff. Met a few very close friends I had not met since years... It was a pleasure meeting them. Became father a second time. Went to Deonar after years, did some Bakra (Goat) shopping. We went on a bike this time. While riding on the way I was thinking when I used to come to Deonar as a kid, we used to use the local Transport bus to the Train Station Reay Road and then the Harbour train upto Govandi, then cross the Railway Tracks towards Deonar. Those were the simple old days.

I want a to visit a few relatives, its on my To-Do List from Day 1. And now the countdown to return has already started. but this time, I will not be missing this task Inshaa Allaah, whatever be the cost. Looking forward to a cousins wedding, where I am expecting to get to see all the relatives, hence procrastinating to go and visit them now. Dont know if this Laziness is right or wrong. Day after tomorrow is EID, and not sure yet what Am I going to wear.. Thats the height of Laziness and I sit here and Blog... Shunu Haadhaa....

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