Monday, September 08, 2008

Being Thankful

Among friends we often discuss this: That we have soo many favours of Allaah upon us. We should be soo thankful to him for the innumerous favours he has made upon us. But we on the contrary keep ourselves busy complaining and cribbing even on the smallest thing that we dont like happens to us. I just want to put this post as a reminder to myself... I did some reading on Being Thankful to Allaah, will try to summarize from the different articles:

Characteristics of a True Believer:
The believer is thankful to Allaah in his heart, with his tongue, and with the actions of his limbs. He is thankful for Allaah's Blessings and the great amount of goodness that Allaah has given him, those that he enjoys at all hours of the day. The believer is thankful and utters phrases of Allaah's remembrance, and he does not see any blessing greater than what Allaah has given him, nor any token of generosity greater than what has come from Allaah.
The believer scoffs at the materialistic fancies of this worldly life, as he is focused on the delight of repenting to Allaah, and turning completely to Him alone. With this, he takes an ample share of worldly delights and enjoys them, but not as the disbelievers or heedless ones do. He indulges in them in a way that assists him in establishing the Rights of Allaah and the rights of His servants.
By contenting himself in this way and hoping for the reward from Allaah, the believer fulfills his desires, his heart rests peacefully, and he finds tranquility. He does not become saddened if some affairs reach him that he does not like. With this, Allaah has combined for him the happiness of this worldly life and the happiness of the Hereafter.

Soul Cleanser - we must be Thankful
We have to live in this life and be thankful for even the smallest blessings of Allah (SWT), in order that we live in this world with a higher aim that merely earning a few extra dollars, and our life should be to seek the hereafter.
The key to achieving tranquility and harmony of a balanced heart, mind and body is that we look at those who are below us materialistically and we forget about those who are above us.

Quranic Ayah: And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allâh), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily! My Punishment is indeed severe."

Extract from a Poem:
I also Pray, Inshallah that ........... If you have a bad day at work, be thankful to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala. Appreciate that you have a job. Some people don't. When you pay your bills, be thankful you can pay them. If you see a gray hair, be thankful. Think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who wish they had hair on their head ...........
When you find yourself waiting in line or the recipient of poor service, be thankful.Many don't have services. Think about the people who have no food to eat and are hungry all the time .......... When you realise how much work it is to take care of a house, be thankful you have a home. Think about those who are homeless and wish they had a home to take care of ..........
When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long distance from your car, be thankful . Think of what it would be like not to be able to walk! If you get irritated by other people's anger, apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful. Things could be worse. You could be one of them! When you think everything in your world is terrible, and you want to give up, think of the people who have been told they only have a certain amount of time to live. They don't want to give up.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I usually make a folder in my Outlook PST files called Appreciation, where I keep all the appreciation emails received for work, how small a task it may be. It might seem small task to me sometimes, but helps the business user in such a way that he/she drops in an appreciation email. So the email deserves to be saved atleast for personal viewing and you can look back how many times or in which parts of your career you got appreciated. So I was advicing the same thing to a friend to make a folder for such emails. And popped up the question: Awwab, you should send me an email.

That made me think. Our friends affect our lives soo much. Whenever we are low we know which ones of our friends we can talk to and they can cheer us up. When we have a problem, we know who to share it with and get some good advice. Friends will try their best to cheer you up! We learn soo many things from them. Yaani, they are so much part of your life. And yes we dont send them any appreciation emails...