Well, In old days when i was workin wit Cybertech, where a friend had joined some Art of Living classes. and he used to always say this. And I remembered this statement from him. And since than I always try and observe how much it is True.
Have u ever tried changing a person?
Tried changing the way he thinks?
If Yes, how much have u succeeded. Or have u found the above statement True.
I find the above statement so True, to the best of my experience. and especially it is True for those people who have the feeling that they know everything, they dont need any1 to tell them nething. But how good or bad is being stubborn in this way. have u ever felt the same thing. Yes sometime or the other in something or the other, even we act in the same unchangeable mode of operation.
I guess it would be only wise who have control over themselves, can put themselves in the changeable mode, and grasp things that some1 says and is gonna benefit them and accept the changes and implement them in the way they are.
I m getting into Philosophy i guess, although I dont know the definition of Philosophy. Some can help me wit that. But Yes, I am observing people closely and learning lot of things, which I haven't learned over the years. Although I thought I had learnt lots from the experiences in life. But now it seems there is lot more to handle and learn.
I havent been able to blog since some time. Due to this thinking going on. Maybe will blog more about my thoughts on this and would love if someone can drop comments to educate me more on this in this matter.
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