I was trying to read some articles about it, trying to see what my views about Hypocrites are and are they correct and trying to learn How to deal with them.
One of the most common vices, or bad habits, is hypocrisy. Mainly, it’s a misuse of the gift of speech because language is used to conceal instead of reveal. By pretending to be what they are not, hypocrites imprison themselves. Although the doors of their cells are unlocked, they are afraid to step out and reveal their true selves. Hypocrites are liars. They practice deception. They bear false witness against themselves.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 ~ 1910) describes our reluctance to act on our hypocritical concerns for the welfare of others: "I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means — except by getting off his back." - I really loved this statement, its so true about some people you see around, they will try their level best to harm you but when they speak to you, it would be as if they are the only well-wishers you have in this world.
Some lessons on hypocrisy:
1. Let’s learn to recognize hypocrisy in others, not to condemn them, but to learn from their mistakes how we, too, may be guilty. Don't scorn hypocrites. For how can we know what fears, weaknesses, and troubles lurk in their hearts? Our job is to judge ourselves, not others. Don't sow contempt and disharmony by speaking ill of others. After all, "Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat." (Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878 ~ 1969)
2. Once you discover your own hypocrisy, congratulate yourself, for that means you admire the virtue you pretend to have. The trouble is, you believe you cannot practice it. It's time to correct your misperception, for you are capable of far more than you realize. Just as a physical weakling can develop muscles and strength by lifting weights, all of us can develop greater moral and spiritual strength by practicing the traits we admire in others. All we have to do is stop pretending to be what we are not and start acting in the manner we pretend to be. Don't worry about being perfect; just try to be better.
3. Don't refuse to learn a valuable lesson just because the messenger is a hypocrite, for as Oscar Wilde (1856-1900) wrote, "The value of an idea has nothing whatever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it."
4. Even if we were free of hypocrisy, if we were to speak ill of hypocrites, we would be guilty of spreading gossip. Never speak about someone you dislike, for if you dislike them, you have a bias and cannot speak fairly. We can avoid much trouble by refusing to speak about others, unless we have something good to say about them.
Ajeeb! I guess its tough to act on these lessons...And you wont know sometimes that some people are hypocrites until they are gossiped about. There were some people who were really nice to me and trusted and told them everything but eventually I realized the same people were trying hard to spoil my good image and speaking bad about me and raising false issues.
Reference: http://www.personal-development.com/chuck/hypocrisy.htm